His Master’s
Model 101 (Red)
HMV portable Gramophones were normally black. Coloured portables are rare, the original purchase price was £7.50 compared with £7.00 for the black model. Only 50p difference, but when you consider weekly wages of £2 or £3 per week, it was only the wealthy who would pay extra for a coloured model.
Year of Production: 1920s
Place of Production: Hayes, Middlesex, London, UK
Size: 45 x 35 x 15 cm
Weight: 5-7kg
The Gramophone bears the original Retailers Trademark “Paish & Co., Piano Merchants, Exeter – Torquay.- Paignton”.
This example of the model 101 has an HMV 59 enclosed motor with 550gm 14 foot mainspring.