HIS Master’s
Model 101
HMV portable Gramophones were normally black. Coloured portables are rare, the original purchase price was £7.50 compared with £7.00 for the black model. Only 50p difference, but when you consider weekly wages of £2 or £3 per week, it was only the wealthy who would pay extra for a coloured model.

Year of Production: 1920s
Place of Production: Hayes, Middlesex, London, UK
Size: 45 x 35 x 15 cm
Weight: ~7kg
The Gramophone bears the original Retailers Trademark “Paish & Co., Piano Merchants, Exeter – Torquay.- Paignton”.
This example of the model 101 has an HMV 59 enclosed motor with 550gm 14 foot mainspring.

Coloured HMV Portables are sought after by Collectors.
The 101 portable Gramophone was available between October 1925 and circa 1931, the Gramophone was originally introduced with the winding handle on the front, in late 1926 / early 1927 it was moved to the side. This Red model was introduced late 1928.